Will Dr. Fauci Call It Quits? Odds For Potential Resignation

  • The conflict between President Donald Trump and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Fauci has led many to expect the doctor's resignation.
  • Fauci was placed as the main advisor to the US during the coronavirus pandemic and is favored to not step down from the coronavirus task force.

WASHINGTON - Dr. Anthony Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and is the main advisor to the White House coronavirus response team.

Recently, there have been several very public disputes between Fauci and the rest of the White House staff including President Donald Trump.

This has led to online sportsbooks hosting betting lines on whether or not Dr. Fauci will call it quits and let another doctor deal with the public pressure.

The Good Doctor

Political bettors seem to be leaning towards Dr. Fauci stating at his post, despite all of the public backlash leaking out from the White House.

Will Dr. Fauci Step Down From Coronavirus Task Force?

  • No -300
  • Yes +200

Things came to a head recently when Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President, publicly discredited Dr. Fauci’s medical advice regarding the pandemic.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on,” said Navarro in an Opposing View to USA Today. “In late January, when I was making the case on behalf of the president to take down the flights from China, Fauci fought against the president’s courageous decision — which might well have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.”

Navarro’s challenge of Dr. Fauci came following a USA Today article defending Fauci against the White House. This came amidst the growing wedge being placed between the President and the Doctor.

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Navarro continues to say “When I warned in late January in a memo of a possibly deadly pandemic, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was telling the news media not to worry.”

Dr. Fauci went on to express that the entire situation is odd to him in an InStyle interview about the current rift between him and the president.

“All right,” said Fauci when asked how he is doing with everything. “I don’t like the conflict. I’m an apolitical person. I don’t like to be pitted against the president. It’s pretty tough walking a tightrope while trying to get your message out and people are trying to pit you against the president. It's very stressful.”

The current debate is whether or not schools should be opened up in a month or not.

With spikes of positive results happening across the country, Fauci advises against it. The White House, however, is pushing for schools to open.

Dr. Fauci has not made any public indications that he will resign, however, online sportsbooks will have these betting lines and more surrounding the situation as things persist.

While Dr. Fauci is a sizeable favorite to remain the face of the pandemic’s response team, any negative interaction with the Oval Office may have these betting lines shifting rather quickly.